Cinema After Corona: with actress/singer DIMITRA KONTOU, France

Last June, published an interview actress/singer Dimitra Kontou who spoke about her upbringing in Greece, her interest singing and acting, her studies and her travel to France where is living and working right now:

Dimitra Kontou

Dimitra Kontou, comédienne et chanteuse née à Athènes, faisait ses études de théâtre, de musique de danse et de langues à Athènes, puis à Paris. Depuis 2003, elle travaille dans de nombreux projets de théâtre, cinéma, danse, musique Jazz, Rebétiko et Musiques du Monde (Concerts et discographie) en Grèce, France, Italie et en Espagne.

Today, we are welcoming Dimitra again on our YouTube channel where joins us to speak about her new performing projects and her new film with Chilean-born and French-based director Pamela Varela. Both of them have collaborated before in several films. The new film was inspired by the lockdown period of COVID-19:
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