Nozuko Nkosiyane

Nozuko Nkosiyane


My name is Nozuko Nkosiyane. I grew up in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape…

I was raised by my grandmother who passed away  in 2008. I was actually in between places. I did grade one and two in Eastern Cape. Then did grade three, four and five here in Johannesburg. I went back to Queenstown and did four grades then back here again yeah, I have always found it funny. In 2003, I came back but this time to my father. That’s where I started realizing a lot of things about myself. My feel for arts started when I was staying with my dad. When I was five, I used to tell stories. I would come up with different stories and sometimes tell my granny’s stories. She was an amazing storyteller. I started writing stories when I was still a teenager. A lot of kids used to like listening to me. I just didn’t know what it meant. Only when I came to live with my dad did I start taking it seriously. I have always been an artist. I have always enjoyed performing poetry, writing fiction books, acting, scripts and also presenting. Unfortunately, my father didn’t support it. He hated anything that had to do with media. So I abdicated my dream for years until I decided that it’s all I have. 

Honestly, I didn’t have role models growing up. We didn’t have tv at home. But when I was about 18, when I lived with my father, that’s when I had people I enjoyed watching. Felicia Mabuza (She used to be a show host then moved to the US, Nthati Moshesh and Xolile Tshabalala (South African actresses). Oh, and Carol Bower and Masichaba Moshoeshoe. These were ladies that inspired me so much. Every time I watched them I kind of knew that I have something in me that they have. 

Wow, studying and learning to become a creator. Well, I believe that no matter how good one is you still need to perfect your craft. I have never been to varsity to study any of the skills I have. They are all God given talents. But, I always try by all means to get as much information to sharpen my skills. Learning online and watching Tutorials on acting, presenting, writing and directing. So yes, studying arts is good. You must remember, a talent needs to be perfected. There are a lot of us out there, and so one needs to always bring out the best. 

I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied because I am not where I want to be at the moment. I have only just shot one Web series. Yes, I have won an award in Germany but still I need people to see my talent. I still want to see myself on TV, I want to see the movies I’ve written play on tv and on cinema. It’s not even about fame, but it’s about being someone’s hope. Show people that it’s possible no matter the circumstances. I have for years been trying to get into the industry and getting rejected but that means nothing because I understand that God’s timing is always perfect. My award is an achievement and to have been recognized in another country still gives me joy. It makes believe in myself more. It keeps me pushing more. Imagine when I eventually get my breakthrough.  

Gender challenges, yes. I have met men who still think that women only belong in the kitchen. In the conversations we sometimes have, you can tell that for some it’s still hard to accept that women are doing it for themselves now and they are becoming more powerful. But also you do get men that love seeing women making it in the industry.

Current situation of creativity in South Africa, well I would love to believe that this year has been the most challenging year for everybody. So even the media industry did get affected. But we see production companies are back on track and everybody is doing everything they can to make sure that the industry doesn’t fail to do the best. I think it’s not that bad. We are getting there. Covid19 just had to mess things up. 

Casting biz, my experience with castings haven’t really been bad. But, I mean there were castings that I felt weren’t doing any justice. I don’t how many times I have been on casting for a certain role, then just when I thought I got the part, you see a familiar face play the role. Sometimes I just think that if your face is not familiar even if you are talented, you will still get rejected. 

How do I approach the works offered to me? Anything that is in line with what I do I accept. Even if it’s something I haven’t done before, I won’t say no. I am a fast learner so whatever comes I try by all means possible to do a thorough research before rejecting it. As long as it is in line with what I do then I’m good to go. But also I do check if it’s a proper job. You know people do take chances. So we ought to be careful at times. 

I am smiling right now. What do I consider as my greatest artistic achievement? 

It’s the best supporting actress award.

I do have projects coming but for now I am working on having a  Youtube channel that’s going to focus on Life coaching, motivation and fitness.  

To the newcomers, I always say that, everyone is talented but not everybody is like you. You need to constantly work on your craft. Get help if you need to. Always remember why you are there. And lastly, never let anyone tell you, you can’t do it. You are the best and the world still needs to experience you, so you can’t get demotivated and stop following your dream because of someone who thinks you’re not good enough. So, Practice plus Confidence equals THE SKY IS THE LIMIT.

My private life is private. I have also learned from other artists that keeping your life away from work is actually the best thing ever. Not discussing much about what happens in your life helps. In that way it kind of balances work and your privacy.

My current and future projects as I have mentioned above that I do have something’s I am busy with and the YouTube channel which is also something I am working on. But, I have quite a few things I am busy with right now. But all shall be revealed at the right time.
Articles: 604