-I come from an amazing family. I am extremely blessed with amazing parents. I could not have wished for any better ones. My dad is really courageous and he really inspires me with his strong morals and determination. My mother helped me excel in languages, she is very talented at them. I went to school in England and then moved out to Spain which was a fantastic experience, I love the Spanish culture, it is colourful and vibrant
-I was acting from a very young age, performing in theatre tours.  I always loved to dance. I once asked my mother what I liked to do as a child and she said: “you loved to dance.”  Expressing myself through performing arts has always been at the core of my life. 
-Modelling took off naturally, I used to do it for fun when I was very young and the photos started gaining attention and it all grew from there. For me it was something I greatly enjoyed and in front of the camera is where I am happiest. 
-As for role models, I really like Beyonce. She is a strong powerful woman and I think that is so important. Now women have a chance to really excel and be their own success and she is at the forefront of that movement. She reminds me that a woman can be powerful with, or without a man. 
-I studied acting at the top acting schools in Madrid and that was so much fun. All the other actors were Spanish and acting in another language is a whole load of fun. I performed on a national Spanish soap Opera as an actress and I will remember that forever. Great memories. 
-I am very happy with where I am at the moment. I always strive to be the best version of me but I put wellbeing and happiness first, when you are happy you perform better anyway so putting wellbeing as my number one priority in my life above success leads to achievement. 
-I think the biggest challenge as a woman in the entertainment business is staying physically safe. There are a lot of eyes on you and sometimes I do wish I had a bodyguard to fend off unwanted attention away but I have learnt to quickly nip nonsense in the bud, that is vital. 
-I think the entertainment business has completely changed with the rise of social media and that is something I constantly strive to adapt to. I think many people do get carried away with social media whereas I put my focus on the business side of it, after all it is a business. 
-As for the work offered to me, first and foremost it undergoes a safety screening and then I make sure it complies with my standards. I’m very selective about what I accept. I only work with people I deem appropriate and who respect me.
-Equilibrium between private and personal life is a question that to be completely honest makes me smile. I see models all the time that splurge their personal lives and photos of their boyfriends all over Instagram, I think it’s called private for a reason.  I protect what I love. 
It’s true that being in the entertainment business requires a lot of focus and wisdom, a very intelligent and strong partner can enhance your performance a lot. 
I would love to share about my future projects but surprises are more fun. I love having fun so let’s leave them as that.
Articles: 600